Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh Weyrleader, My Weyrleader

  • My favorite writer Ann Mcaffrey died... I'm surprised how saddened I am by it. When Arthur C. Clark died I was like: He was still alive? but for the dragon master I feel like my surrogate mother just died. She will be missed.
  • I'm gonna have to redouble my own efforts to try and take up some of the slack her absence leaves.
  • Elizabeth Moon is hereby forbidden from dying ever.
  • In other famous author news I finally finished A Dance With Dragon the newest Game of Thrones book and was quite disappointed.
    • Its not that it wasn't a good book, it was. It just doesn't compare with the others. Reading the first four books was like sex; reading this one was like... riding a swing set.
    • When I finished it and reflected back on some of the character and chapters he included my only reaction "What the fuck was that shit?"
    • In other places it kept setting the stage for really awesome things to happen and then being like "Psych! read the next one." I REFUSE TO PUT UP WITH THIS DRAGON BALL Z HORSESHIT!
    • (in this DBZ analogy the Dornish prince is defiantly Hercule the asshat who wastes entire episodes you thought were going to be about one of the real characters, you know the ones who are cool and I care about?)
    • Does anyone else ever wonder what happened to Rickon? I've considered writing a letter to Martin and reminding him that there was actually another Stark. Rosey the hooker had more follow up than poor Rickon and Shaggydog. (god bless HBO btw)


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